NuWay-K&H ENERGY Account Managers

LP contracting is available for the 2024-25 heating season. Contracting is a way to avoid risk with the volatile energy markets we’re experiencing.

We have LP contracts available, both pre-paid and 10¢ down, for the 2024-25 heating season. There’s a lot of risk in the markets, so contracting may be a good option for you.

Need your diesel or gas filled before spring? If you put your deliveries on hold last fall, remember to remove that hold so we fill your tanks for spring. Placing monitors on your tanks is another great way to make sure you stay fueled up this spring. Call your NuWay-K&H Cooperative Energy Account Manager for more information!

Get Quotes Online

You may not know that quotes for all energy products, as well as contracts, are available through our online customer portal.

This is a good option for anyone who wants
to review and act on these opportunities on their own timeframe.

You can also request deliveries for all energy products through the portal. Did you know that one-third of NuWay-K&H Cooperative’s customers now purchase their energy products and services online?

Talk to your Energy Account Manager if you need help signing up.

DEF and Tanks Available

If you’ve acquired equipment over winter that needs DEF and you need a DEF set-up, let us know. We can provide you with 2-1/2 gal., 55 gal., and 275 gal. totes.

NuWay-K&H Cooperative has multiple locations at which you can pick up DEF–or let us deliver DEF to your farm or shop in a dedicated transport.

We Have What You Need

Want to increase your refined fuels storage? We have programs to help you do that—including the use of your equity to buy more and bigger tanks.

Tank availability has improved dramatically in recent months, and the lead time has really decreased, both for single and double-wall refined fuel tanks. But it is not a bad idea to plan for the future.

If you’ve been thinking about it before and decided against it, try again.

Perhaps you don’t need to upgrade your tanks, but you need gauges, filters, nozzles, hoses and basic tank maintenance. Spring is a good time to do it.

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