This spring had many challenges that resulted in a short period of time to get fieldwork done. Here are the rainfall totals we received at Trimont this spring, by month.
- April 1-30 — 5.53 inches
- May 1-31 — 8.11 inches
- June 1-27 — 9.71 inches
Prolonged saturated soil conditions can increase the chances of stalk rots such as anthracnose. Check your fields around tassel time, and do a pinch or push test. Fields that lack drainage or tile will be a higher consideration for stalk rots.
In the future, consider a fungicide post-tassel to improve overall plant health and stalk integrity. Improved stalk standability leads to a more efficient harvest, and yields will benefit from increased plant health.
NOTE: Corn showing nitrogen deficiency can also lead to stalk quality concerns.
Fall strip-till opportunities
NuWay-K&H has a 16-row John Deere strip-till applicator ready for this fall. Below are some reasons you may consider strip-till:
- Banding fertilizer increases nutrient availability and uptake into the plant, which can increase yield compared to a broadcast application.
- Highly erodible soil types and terrain will benefit by keeping soil in place from increased plant residue and organic matter compared to a conventional tilled system.
- Possible subsidy offerings for reduced tillage.
Please reach out if you are interested in strip-till, so we can put a plan in place prior to fall.
Fall planning
Please set up a meeting with your Agronomy Account Manager to discuss fall fertilizer plans, grid sampling needs, and manure sampling.