Temperatures this winter have been abnormally high, and lack of snow cover could lead to an early growing season.

Our concern is for the minimal soil moisture in the top two to four inches—see the accompanying map generated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Soil temperatures could warm faster this spring than in the past, with a potential for more fall-applied nitrogen converting to the nitrate form, exposing it to potential loss.

To set yourself up for success, consider best nitrogen management practices. These practices include splitting your nitrogen into multiple applications, monitoring soil nitrogen with Adapt-N, stabilizing nitrogen to minimize loss and getting more available nitrogen to the plant when it is needed.

Every growing season is different. Applying the wrong nitrogen rate can cause missed yield opportunities or unnecessary nitrogen applications, putting overall profitability and the environment at risk. Adapt-N has demonstrated improved productivity and environmental sustainability by helping growers determine the correct nitrogen rate for each acre to apply each season.

Contact your NuWay-K&H Agronomy Account Manager to help strategize a plan that will fit your operation.

New Product Highlight

If you’re a grower who is looking for more weed control in your corn program, try Storen™ corn herbicide from Syngenta. It’s new for the 2024 season, and we have a supply available.

Storen has four modes of action and long residual control—up to 93% control nine weeks after application. That’s three more weeks of control compared to some of the other products on the market.

Storen can be applied 28-days pre-plant and post emerge up to V8 corn.

Ask your Agronomy Account Manager about trying Storen.

New WinField Associate

A new WinField Associate, Zachary Sticken, is joining our Agronomy team. Zachary’s role will be as the seed implementation specialist with other responsibilities in sales and precision ag.

Zach is the 7th associate WinField has placed with our cooperative. Levi Kermes was our previous WinField Associate. Levi has accepted a new full-time position back home in Albert Lea. We thank him for his service and wish him well.

The Associate program is good for Winfield because it develops the associate’s skill set, exposes them to business at the local cooperative level, and gets them involved working directly with farmers in our area. It’s good for NuWay-K&H because we have additional help in areas we’re focused on. Plus, we get access to exceptional talent entering the workforce that we could possibly retain as a long-term employee.

Zach is currently attending South Dakota State University and will be graduating this spring with a bachelor’s degree in agronomy and precision agriculture.

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