NuWay-K&H Energy Account Managers
The Annual NuWay-K&H Oil Sale is in full swing. All packaged or bulk lubricants, including grease, are on sale from November through February.
This is a good time to fill at a discounted price going into spring—and perhaps for the entire crop production season. Most products are reduced in price by $1/gal. Plus, if you buy 100 gallons of oil, you will receive a $50 Visa® debt card through the Cenex® “Gift Card for Gallons” program. (By the way, you may earn as many gift cards as you want—one for every 100 gallons purchased.)
If you want to add an oil tote or install your first bulk oil system, winter is a good time to do that. Contact your NuWay-K&H Energy Account Manager.
If you’re new to Cenex® lubricants, please reach out to your Energy Account Manager for more information or a quote. They can help you find the right products at the best price.
“We can set you up with totes and deliver DEF to the country.”
Winter Fuel Blending
If you have livestock and run diesel equipment throughout the winter, we can help. Read Al Seckinger’s article on Pg. 22.
For reliable operation in ultra-cold weather, we can add No. 1 to your premium (No. 2) diesel, creating the specific blend you need.
Winter LP Deliveries
We want our drivers to be safe and our customers to get the propane they need. That’s why we ask you to clear a path to your storage tank.
While you’re out there clearing a path, please keep an eye on your tank level, even if you are on scheduled delivery, and call us if your tank is under 30%. In fact, make it a monthly habit to check your LP storage tank.
Protect Your Investment
Trading up or buying a brand-new diesel-powered tractor or combine? Using Cenex oil or Cenex premium diesel fuel? Your purchased equipment may qualify for the Total Protection Plan (TPP) warranty.
The TTP provides another blanket of security, even if you have a manufacturer’s warranty, to protect against costly repairs.
Contact your NuWay-K&H Energy Account Manager for details.
We Do Bulk DEF
A lot of growers think we only sell DEF (diesel exhaust fluid) in 2-1/2 gallon or 55-gallon quantities. If they want bulk, they think they need to go somewhere else.
The truth is, we can set you up with totes and deliver DEF to the country—or you can come to a NuWay-K&H fueling location and fill up your totes.
Again, call your NuWay-K&H Energy Account Manager for details.
Scholarship Opportunities
As winter approaches, keep in mind that NuWay-K&H Cooperative offers scholarships for both its customers’ and its employees’ children. Their field of study does not need to be agriculture related.
For more information, set your internet browser to Applications must be completed and submitted no later than April 5, 2024.