Yield Enhancement Trials Underway

Yield Enhancement Trials Underway

This season, NuWay-K&H Agronomy has been utilizing the technology we have within our Greeneye™-equipped Hagie sprayer to apply yield enhancement products in a banded fashion on corn and soybean trials. With 10” nozzle spacing, we can turn every third nozzle on, which allows us to spray directly over the canopy of the crop and not inbetween the row, giving us a 66.66% efficiency.

  • Our product package for corn during the V4-V6 growth stage contains:
  • MAX-IN® Zinc, which facilitates the transport of nutrients within the cells of the plant,
  • MAX-IN® Boron, which structures the xylem and phloem within the plant for nitrogen efficiency,
  • Voyagro®, which relieves stress during nutrient transport while increasing nitrogen metabolism and tolerance to environmental stress, and
  • Ascend® SL, which promotes cell division and elongation in the stem and leaves.

Our package for soybeans will be applied at the R1 growth stage and consists of:

  • MAX-IN® Manganese, which increases photosynthesis efficiency,
  • MAX-IN® Potassium, which helps nutrient transport within the plant with increased late-season plant health and standability, and
  • Ascend® SL, which promotes cell division and elongation in the stem and leaves.

If you have any questions about these products or trials, please contact your NuWay-K&H Agronomy Account Manager.


Most customers understand the term Growing Degree Unit (GDU). GDUs tell us where we are at in the development of a crop. For instance, on average it takes 84 GDUs to complete a leaf collar for corn. Also, a 100-day corn maturity takes about 2,500 GDU’s to reach black layer stage where a 109-day full season hybrid takes around 2,700 GDU’s to reach black layer.

With that in mind, it might interest you to know that, as of mid-June, we are 100 GDUs ahead of the 30-year average. You might also be interested in how much precipitation we received by the middle ofJune at these nine reporting points:

  • Sherburn: 5.54 inches
  • Trimont: 6.43 inches
  • Ormsby: 8.32 inches
  • St. James: 11.81 inches
  • Comfrey: 15 inches,
  • Welcome; 6.71 inches
  • Fairmont: 6.34 inches
  • Northrop: 7.1 inches
  • Truman: 8.47 inches.

The map on page 12 shows how that precipitation varied across our market area. Some northern locations reported two to three times the amount of rain as southern locations. Some things to consider include where our nitrogen is within our soil profile and root zone. Areas with increased rainfall totals will have nitrogen deeper in the soil profile, where it might not be readily available for a period of time.


Some of our growers have asked, “When is the latest I can apply herbicide to my soybean fields?”

Herbicides like Liberty® or Enlist One® permit application through R1, when the plant is beginning to flower. Both herbicides have an R2 cutoff date. That’s when flowers appear on the top three trifoliate leaves. If you apply herbicide to beans when they’re flowering on top, you could inhibit yield.

“If you apply herbicide to beans when they’re flowering on top, you’re off-label and could inhibit yield.”


Each year, NuWay-K&H Agronomy sets out sticky traps in area cornfields. We want to stay up to date on corn rootworm levels and provide our customers with the best recommendations for controlling this annual pest.

We aim to set these traps around tassel time in corn, then check the traps once a week for four weeks. Last year, we set traps in over 20 Martin County fields.

Populations varied, but the longer the field had been in continuous corn, the higher the presence of corn rootworm beetles. If you are concerned about a specific field, please tell your agronomy account manager so they can set traps and monitor it.

The action threshold is around 21 beetles per trap per week or three per trap per day. If we find a trap above this level, we recommend taking actions such as rotating crops or applying insecticide, broadcast or in-furrow.

Corn traits in Qrome®, and SmartStax® all offer belowground protection from corn rootworm beetles. SmartStaxPRO® offers the best trait package with three belowground modes of action against this pest.

Ask your agronomy account manager to recommend the right corn rootworm deterrent for your operation.


Tar spot showed up in U.S. corn fields in 2015 and has impacted yields up to 50 bushels per acre. Though Tar Spot did not reduce yields as severely as expected in 2023, the disease is still present. Fungal spores are dispersed by the wind, and the disease thrives in years of abundant rainfall. If you suspect a problem with either Tar Spot or Corn Rootworm, let us know. We’ll check your fields and develop a treatment plan, by ground or by air.

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