Heating season is upon us. As usual, it seems like summer and fall just flew by, and we’ve arrived at another Midwestern winter. I want to remind you of a few things that will bring you LP gas in a timely manner and keep you from having to make an out-of-gas call.

Watch your tank levels:

Whether you’re a “will call” or “scheduled delivery” customer, it is always best to be watching your tank levels. Calling the office and placing an order when your tank is around 20% is a great habit. It gives our delivery drivers adequate time to deliver your LP before an out-of-gas situation may occur. Out-of-gas occurrences happen; they can, however, be controlled in many instances by simply checking your tank on a regular basis.

NOTE: Out-of-gas fees can add significant costs to your delivery!

Keeping a clear path.

Shoveling your driveway and a path to your tank during or after heavy snowfall will ensure a delivery can be made. Our trucks are big and heavy. They’re not the easiest to maneuver through driveways that aren’t cleared.

Be aware of holiday business hours.

The last reminder I have is to be aware of our business hours around the holidays. Make sure your tank is topped off in advance of the holiday season. This will help save you any extra fees that may be associated with delivering outside of our normal business hours. For more details, please read the propane policies on our website: NUWAY-KANDH.COM

Have a safe and happy holiday season.

“Clear a path and top off your tank in advance of the holidays.”

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